mtl, metro art

Publication Design

May 2023

The Montreal Metro is an underground rubber-tired rapid transit system serving Greater Montreal, Quebec in Canada, but it is not only a place to transit, but also a place where everyone can enjoy and appreciate various works of art.

Booklet cover

The challenge is to design an informative, conceptual, aesthetic and descriptive booklet on the public art commissioned for metro stations over the past 56 years. A document with 48 or more pages is expected using the information provided on the STM website.

Table of contents spread, section 1
Table of contents spread, section 2
Divider spread

Overall, it was a long process. Producing a brochure turned out to be more difficult than I expected. This is a completely different world, it requires a fairly deep knowledge of typography and its hierarchy and, of course, of the Adobe InDesign features. The final result fully justified the time and effort spent on its creation.

Artwork layout spread
Title page
Black arrow in a circle